Drake Enters Multi-Million Plant-Based Chicken Market

Drake is a shrewd investor and continues to stockpile assets outside of the music business. Another venture came to light on Tuesday (May 18) when Bloomberg revealed the 6 God to be an investor in Daring Foods Inc.

The company, which debuted its plant-based chicken in 2020, pulled in over $40 million from investors last year. Chicken is the most popular meat in the United States and experts expect the plant-based chicken market to hit $8 billion by 2030, according to Future Market Insights.

With the money pouring in from investors, Daring should triple its retail distribution to over 4,500 U.S. stores in 2021, which already includes grocery giants Costco and Kroger. Drake is reportedly a vegetarian and follows JAY-Z as rappers financially backing plant-based food companies.



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Drake seems to have the magic touch these days. A Toronto-based brokerage firm he was an early financial supporter of reached a $4 billion valuation after its latest round of fundraising earlier in May, according to Market Insider. Drake isn’t the only celebrity investor in Wealthsimple, as actors Ryan Reynolds, Michael J. Fox and NBA player Dwight Powell are also involved.

Drake-Supported Toronto Brokerage Hits $4B Valuation

While Drizzy continues to hide Certified Lover Boy from the world, Drake will be named Billboard‘s Artist of the Decade at the 2021 Billboard Music Awards on May 23.

Article source: https://hiphopdx.com/news/id.62201/title.drake-enters-multi-million-plant-based-chicken-market

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